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#1 01-11-2021 15:08:20

Membre Actif
Lieu: Euskal Herria
Date d'inscription: 20-04-2005
Messages: 427

Tom Morey global memorial paddle out

Piqué sur le Facebook d'OGM :

Afin de rendre hommage à TOM MOREY, un paddle-out aura le lieu le Samedi 6 Novembre à 14h00 plage La centrale ( Miramar ) à Capbreton. Comme le dit Mike Stewart dans le texte ci dessous, toute les formes/ Support de glisse sont les bienvenues, le but étant que les amoureux de la glisse puissent communier ensemble afin de rendre un dernier hommage à l'homme et à son immense contribution.
Mike Stewart text :
The Morey family wishes to invite the global wave riding community to participate in a global memorial paddle out, November 6, 2021 to celebrate the life and contributions of Tom Morey.
The family’s wishes are to see surf and boogie communities around the world organize the specifics of where and what time they have their paddle outs, but that we all come together as a tribe, a family of ocean lovers and wave riders on the same day, around the world, in peace.
Please share this information widely with your networks. An easy way to set up your own paddle out is to copy and reshare this post, with your own update of location and time for paddle out.
We look forward to grabbing our boogies and heading into the surf with you all, and hope to see as many of our tribe celebrating Tom Morey’s life together on the 6th of November 🤙
In Kona a paddle out will be at 10:00am at Wai’aha beach park (Honls) there will be a 9:00am commencement for Tom and the birthplace of the Boogie!
Please loose flowers or Ti lei only (no strings) 🌸 or better yet just help someone out or do a good deed in a tribute to Tom.

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