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Voici la cover: Movement Mag 18.
Qu’y a-t-il dedans ?

En anglais, voici le résumé:

Luna Park fired up one weekend last month, those perfect southern ocean conditions when the offshore spray near doubles the height of the approaching lines. A bunch of big name pros rolled into town, all secretive and unannounced, so that when everyone arrived the next day it was a solid pack of twenty-plus dudes, one tow-surfer and one chopper, circling overhead to capture the whole glorious circus. What played out for the next few hours was some heavy locals and some super-heavy caves. We also flew west to spend a week with a crew that are travelling for a year in the name of documentary film making. Hardy led the way back on home soil, joined by Winchester, Novy, Singer and Bunting. Finally, we abandoned the board buyer’s guide this year for an on-location board test. Fancy two weeks in pumping Bali with 26 of the best new boards in the world to throw around? We couldn’t think of a better way to give you a glimpse of your new ride than out on the track. Join four of Australia’s best, unsigned riders and read what they had to say about crop of ’07.