www.bodyboardersjournal.com. C’est un site US sur lequel travaille notre ami Michael Emo depuis déjà un bon moment. Il vient de le mettre en ligne officiellement. Allez y faire un tour et peut etre que vous pourrez aider Emo à trouver des infos à droite à gauche pour qu’il puisse compléter son projet.

BBers’ Journal c’est une sorte de Wikipedia du bodyboard avec plein d’info sur les mags, les riders, l’histoire du bodyboard etc.

En anglais ça donne ça:

We aim to bring together and preserve the stories, projects, people and events of the last 37+ years that have ultimately defined and shaped our sport.

We’ve gathered content and information on bodyboarding from every corner of the globe. Countless videos, magazines, stories, profiles, articles, interviews and images from the past and present have crossed our desktops, blurring our eyes and overloading our brains well past midnight. And along with the help of a few generous bodyboarding souls, young and old, we have arrived.

More than 400 video titles and 200 issues of various bodyboarding magazines have been indexed to date. We’re also working on individual and company profiles, interviews, stories and much more! In fact, we’re working to preserve the entire history of bodyboarding and this is just the beginning. So sit back, saturate your mind and enjoy.

Michael Emo